25th Annual Nautical Coast Cleanup Final Report
Though this year's COVID-19 pandemic caused several challenges, eager participants were fortunate to host this year's 25th Annual Nautical Coast Cleanup still. The St. Clair Shores Waterfront Environmental Committee (SCSWEC) scheduled the event during its usual occurrence in May but postponed it until social distancing restrictions permitted safe outdoor gatherings. This year's Cleanup proceeded on Sunday, September 13, with limited participation of 100 volunteers.
The weather favored the event with winds S/SW at 10 - 15 mph and the air temperature around 65 degrees. Lake St. Clair lake levels remained at the same height or close to the 1986 historical high. The SCSWEC, participating volunteers, and volunteers from various groups concentrated on the public beaches and lakefront parks; groups of homeowners worked on their private shoreline areas. Because of the reduced participation, SCSWEC chose to focus on Veterans Memorial Park, Blossom Heath Park, and Chapaton Retention Basin this year. The final tally recorded approximately 100 participants. These volunteers' diligent efforts resulted in filling two 20-yard GFL dumpsters, amounting to nearly 12 tons. This 25-year effort has resulted in the total removal of 807 tons of debris from Lake St. Clair.
Cleanup Highlights:
The SCSWEC thanks the Jefferson Yacht Club for providing their clubhouse as this year's headquarters again. Many thanks to the participating waterfront homeowners and school district students. The SCSWEC extends its gratitude to this year's participating sponsors: "We Are Here Foundation," GFL Environmental, and Advanced Aquatics, Laparl Real Estate. Tremendous gratitude to the city and Mayor Walby for supporting the event and the Council members who came out. Finally, the event could not proceed without the City of St. Clair Shores for their front-end loaders and drivers, SCSWEC members, and all of the volunteers below who made this year's event go on, despite pandemic challenges. It takes everyone working together to make this event work -- thank you!
See you next year!
Link to Eventbrite
Calendar of Events for 2024 .pdf of 2024 Event Card
REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS -- 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 pm
St. Clair Shores Library, 11 Mile and Jefferson
Jan 16 *May 14 (1 wk earlier) Sep 17
Feb 20 Jun 18 Oct 15
Mar 19 Jul 16 Nov 19
Apr 16 Aug 20 Dec 17 - (Starts at 6:00pm)
January 18 (Thu at 5:30 pm) - Annual Meeting of Resource Members (at SCS City Hall Council Chambers)
TBD (TBD) - City Council presentation of Kayak awards
April 21 (Sunday at 10 am-noon) - EARTH DAY- Blossom Heath Pier Cleanup
May 4 & Oct 5 - CRWC.org Cottrell Drain WATER SAMPLING 9:00am Cottrell Drain on Jefferson
May 19 (Sun at 8 am-1 pm) - 29th ANNUAL NAUTICAL COAST CLEANUP and Lake St. Clair Celebration
Meet first at Jefferson Yacht Club then you'll be directed to the beaches of your choice
Jun 8, Jul 13, Aug 10, Sep 14, (Sat at 10 am-noon) - I-94 RAMPS ONLY CLEANUP
Meet in parking lot in the NE corner of I-94 and 10 Mile Rd. - Contact Erin 586.524.6289
June 15, Jul 20, Aug 17, & Sep 21 (Saturday 10 am-noon) BIOSWALE MAINTENANCE -
Meet at Kyte Monroe (32701 Harper Ave.) - Contact Sharon 586.419.2050
June 16, Jul 21, & Aug 18 (Sunday 10 am-noon) POLLINATOR GARDEN MAINTENANCE -
Meet at Kyte Monroe Skate Park (32701 Harper Ave.) - Contact Sharon 586.419.2050
July 14 & Sept 15 (Sun 10 am-noon) MINI CLEANUP - Meet at Kyte Monroe
Contact Sarah 313.433.2078
St. Clair Shores Waterfront Environmental Committee
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